Elation Professional - ART1024

Below are all the different types of Elation Professional. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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o ro 0 o 5 S 0 0 ART 1024 Touch Sensitive Intelligent Control Keypad Preliminary Brochure Copyright C 200ft Elation Piotasional A rights reversed www clJtiop ighlirvg com Lighting at the tip of your fingers The sensitive keys enable you to easily and comfortably modify the lighting effects Controlling both speed and colour has now become mere child s play La lumiere au bout des doigts Les touches sensitives mvitent a modifier ambiance lumineuse avec un confort extreme Agir sur r intensity la couleur et la vitesse des effets devient urn jeu d enfant Spare design extreme strength and reliability Mainly due to an absence of mechanical buttons our strongly buil ...